
From crisis to growth? The challenge of imbalances, dept, and limited resources

Veranstalter: IMK in der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
Ort: Berlin, Best Western Premier Hotel Steglitz International
vom: 27.10.2011
bis: 29.10.2011

Four years after the first turbulences on the U.S. housing market that triggered the subsequent global crisis, the future of the world economy is still highly uncertain. Is the crisis over, or are we heading towards a period of stagnation or recession? What will be the drivers of future growth? How to cope with high private and public debt? Is there a new growth model capable of overcoming the problems of financial instability, income inequality and trade imbalances? Are high growth rates still possible or desirable, given limited natural resources?

  • The submission of papers in the following areas is encouraged:
  • Global imbalances after the crisis
  • High debt of firms, governments and households and economic dynamics
  • Macroeconomic imbalances and public debt in the euro area
  • Macroeconomic and distributional implications of fiscal restraint
  • Sustainability of growth paths and desirability of high growth
  • Energy prices and inflation
  • Modelling growth: Towards a new theory of growth?

Programme (pdf)

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