Quelle: Tom Bauermann
9th International FMM Summer School: Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policies
Veranstalter: | IMK |
Ort: | Berlin, ver.di Bildungs- und Begegnunszentrum Clara Sahlberg |
vom: | 29.07.2024, 11:00 Uhr |
bis: | 03.08.2024, 10:00 Uhr |
Geschlossene Veranstaltung für eingeladene Teilnehmer*innen
Eckhard Hein: History and Fundamentals of Post Keynesian Economics (pdf)
Marc Lavoie: Money and Macroeconomics (and Inflation) (pdf)
Heike Joebges: Crypto assets and financial stability (pdf)
Mark Setterfield: Distribution and Growth (pdf)
Robert A. Blecker: International and Development Economics: Post-Keynesian Approaches (pdf)
Sebastian Gechert: Economic Policy in Practice (pdf)
Yannis Dafermos, Maria Nikolaidi: Stock-flow consistent modelling and ecological macroeconomics (pdf)
From 29th July till 02nd August the 9th FMM International Summer School took place in Berlin. About 42 graduate students (MA and PhD) and junior researchers came together for the summer school that aimed at providing an introduction to Keynesian macroeconomics and to the problems of European economics. It consisted of overview lectures, student study groups, an SFC lab and a panel discussion about “Practical Industrial Policy in Times of Economic Transition”. It featured leading international researchers in the area of Keynesian Macroeconomics, including Robert Blecker (US), Yannis Dafermos (UK), Sebastian Gechert (Germany), Eckhard Hein (Germany), Heike Joebges (Germany), Marc Lavoie (France/Canada), Maria Nikolaidi (UK) and Mark Setterfield (US) covering the following areas:
- History and Fundamentals of Post-Keynesian Macroeconomics
- Money and Macroeconomics
- Crypto-Assets and Financial Stability
- Distribution and Growth
- International and Development Economics
- Stock-Flow Consistent Modelling and the Environment
- Economic Policy in Practice