Quelle: HBS
Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policies - alternatives to the orthodoxy
Veranstalter: | IMK in der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung |
Ort: | Berlin, Hotel Steglitz International |
vom: | 28.10.2005 |
bis: | 29.10.2005 |
The conference was intended to contribute to an improvement of European heterodox networking in macroeconomics. On the one hand, the state of heterodox macroeconomics have been discussed. On the other hand, perspectives for European economic policies have been debated. The following topics will be covered:
- Alternatives to the new consensus approach to macroeconomics
- Theories of monetary policy and monetary policies of the ECB
- Theories of fiscal policies and fiscal policies in the EMU
- Theories of wage policies and wage policies in the EMU
- The Maastricht Regime and its effects on the EMU and on specific countries
- EU enlargement under the conditions of the Maastricht regime
- What can European policy makers learn from economic history?
- Alternatives to the Maastricht regime and its elements (ECB-strategy, Stability and Growth Pact)
- Comparisons of European macroeconomic policies to other countries.
Programme (pdf)